The Orrery

Hello! Sorry for taking so long to write another post. I’ve been really quite busy looking for a new place to live and a new office to work in, you see. Anyway, instead of adding another post in my introductory theme, I thought I’d show you how this Orrery works! It’s written in Elm, which isn’t supported by GitHub’s highlighter yet, so I’ve modified it a little (my excuse for why the code blocks look a bit naff).

What a quiet night...

Anyway, I hope it’s useful to someone - we’ll talk about Elm’s successes and my failings, and everything should hopefully be clear enough. If anything doesn’t make sense, though, feel free to send me a Tweet and I’ll do my best to clarify!


module Main exposing (..)

import AnimationFrame
import Html
import Http
import Json.Decode as Decode
import Svg
import Svg.Attributes exposing (..)
import Time exposing (inMinutes, Time)

This project uses a few dependencies. To anyone who’s written any amount of Elm before, the only stranger is AnimationFrame, from the elm-lang/animation-frame package. This lets us subscribe to the browser’s RAF API. Everything else should be fairly obvious: Html / Svg for our view, Http / Json.Decode for the AJAX request, and Time for our orbit.

main =
        { init          = init
        , subscriptions = \_ -> AnimationFrame.times Tick
        , update        = update
        , view          = view

We can’t use the beginnerProgram because of the need for both subscriptions and commands, so we opt for the next easiest thing. Perhaps against convention, I tend to put one-line declarations (e.g. subscriptions) directly in the Html.program call - it looks prettier to me… Sorry, Evan!

The Model

type alias System =
    { colour : String
    , orbit  : Float
    , radius : Float
    , speed  : Float
    , moons  : Moons

The model for this visualisation is recursive: a system is a body and its moons, all of which are systems themselves. However, this means we have an infinitely-nesting type, so we have to use sidestep this with a new type Moons to get a solid alias.

type Moons
    = Moons (List System)

Of course, aside from a little extra destructuring, this doesn’t change the capability of the type at all.

type alias Model =
    { time   : Time
    , system : Maybe System

The model is then just the current Time (from our subscription) and maybe a System. If the AJAX response hasn’t come back yet, or an error occurred during the lifecycle, our System is Nothing, and we can show something other than an empty sky.

init =
    ( { time = 0, system = Nothing }
    , Http.send Register
        << Http.get "./test.json"
        <| planetify

The initial command is the AJAX request: when this completes, the model will hold the returned JSON or lack thereof. I think this whole Cmd approach is really neat: our IO actions end up handled in exactly the same way as our user interactions.


planetify : Decode.Decoder System
planetify =
    Decode.map5 System
        (Decode.field "colour" Decode.string)
        (Decode.field "orbit"  Decode.float )
        (Decode.field "radius" Decode.float )
        (Decode.field "speed"  Decode.float )
        (Decode.field "moons" << Moons
                              << Decode.lazy
                              <| \_ -> Decode.list planetify)

When we get the AJAX response, we need to map it into a data type: in our case, the System type. In Elm, we do this with a Json.Decoder. Here, we use a decoder that can recursively deconstruct the JSON to match our type. It also validates our JSON response at the same time!

We need to use the and Decode.lazy functions to avoid that pesky infinite type: the Moons type will be populated by a second map that occurs lazily.


type Msg
    = Tick Time
    | Register (Result Http.Error System)

There are really only two things that happen in this visualisation: the Time updates (for the next animation frame), and the AJAX response correctly or otherwise.

update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
    case msg of
        Tick time ->
            ( { model | time = time }, Cmd.none )

        Register result ->
            ( { model | system = Result.toMaybe result }
            , Cmd.none

Consequently, the handlers for these two cases are very simple. Any Time update simply updates the model, and any server Result is recorded. As mentioned before, I have converted the Result to Maybe so I can encode the response has not yet been received in the same way as the request failed and the response is invalid. Don’t be fooled: this is pure laziness on my part.

View Ordering

type alias Coordinate =
    ( Float, Float )

A coordinate is represented as ( x, y ). If I weren’t going for brevity, some operations would be helpful (e.g. add).

type Renderable
    = Orbit
        { x      : Float
        , y      : Float
        , radius : Float

    | Planet
        { x      : Float
        , y      : Float
        , radius : Float
        , colour : String

In the first iteration of this code, there was no ordering on the Svg elements. This looked odd when satellites didn’t go behind a parent body (e.g. when the moon’s orbit is at the “back” of the diagram), so I picked a configuration where this didn’t happen. A few weeks later, however, I felt ashamed of myself, and fixed it.

So, now, we generate inspectable (thus easily orderable) records, and convert them to SVG later on. I think this turns out quite neatly, though it’s perhaps the result of staring for too long at Free structures and interpreters.

ordering : Renderable -> Float
ordering object =
    case object of
        Planet { y } -> y
        _            -> negate 1 / 0

For now, we just put Orbit rings right at the back. This looks a bit odd at times, and I think a better solution would be to split up the ellipse into several arcs, (to order around other Svgs), but that’s one for another time.

Converting a Renderable to an Svg is very straightforward, as all the required information is stored within the Renderable type already. An easy modification to this app would be to allow user-defined camera tilt (i.e. configurable skew), and it could simply be passed in as a parameter here.

It’s perhaps worth pointing out that my << and <| usage is a direct mapping from Haskell’s . and $. The << could quite easily be replaced with another <| of course, but it’s just not the way I’m used to doing things! Old dogs, new tricks…

renderables : Coordinate -> Time -> System -> List Renderable
renderables ( cx, cy ) time { orbit, colour, radius, speed, moons } =
        ( cx_, cy_ ) =
            fromPolar (orbit, speed * inMinutes time)
                |> \( x, y ) -> ( cx + x, cy + 0.4 * y )

        ring =
            Orbit { x      = cx
                  , y      = cy
                  , radius = orbit

        planet =
            Planet { x      = cx_
                   , y      = cy_
                   , radius = radius
                   , colour = colour

        subrenderer =
            renderables ( cx_, cy_ ) time

        children =
            case moons of
                Moons ms ->
                    List.concatMap subrenderer ms
        ring :: planet :: children

View Construction

toSvg : Renderable -> Svg.Svg Msg
toSvg renderable =
    case renderable of
        Orbit { x, y, radius } ->
            Svg.ellipse [ cx <| toString x
                        , cy <| toString y
                        , rx <| toString radius
                        , ry << toString <| 0.4 * radius
                        ] []

        Planet { x, y, radius, colour } ->
   [ cx    <| toString x
                       , cy    <| toString y
                       , r     <| toString radius
                       , style <| "fill:" ++ colour
                       ] []

See where those Coordinate functions would be useful?

I’ll say now that I don’t like this function: there’s a pretty obvious optimisation to be made here. What I would really like is a type of Coordinate -> System -> List (Time -> Renderable), or even a result like Time -> List Renderable: in other words, we’d end up with a list of bodies positioned with respect to each recursive orbit via composed functions.

I haven’t looked enough into Elm’s compiler to know for certain, but I would imagine that this could be compiled efficiently if we ended up with let .. in \time -> as our general form. As time is the only important variable here, we could pre-build all this at the time of JSON receipt, and cut down on the calculations needed at run-time. It’s just a thought, really.

For small-ish System cases, this works fine, but I’m not really a huge fan of the good enough mentality, and I’m certain this function has room for improvement. It certainly shouldn’t need to know the skew value to build view-independent coordinates.

view : Model -> Html.Html Msg
view { time, system } =
        container =
            Svg.svg [ viewBox "0 0 600 240"
                    , width "600px"
        case system of
            Nothing ->
                Html.div [] [ Html.text "What a quiet night..." ]

            Just data ->
                container << toSvg
                          << List.sortBy ordering
                          << renderables ( 300.0, 120.0 ) time
                          <| data

Finally, we have the view function: the entry point for all the rendering process. This is nice and easy to understand, I hope: we can display some cursory error to the user for when AJAX fails, and otherwise kick off the animation.

Of course, I’d love to get skew into the Model so that it can be configured (and then passed to the rest of the view logic at render-time). Ooer.

That gets us to the end of the file! All the code for the top visualisation (that isn’t just imported library code) is here: it really is that simple. If you want to see it more clearly, there is a Gist of all the code to be found here.

Elm is wonderful. Try it.

Take care ♥