Fantas, Eel, and Specification 12: Traversable

It’s Traversable Monday™, everyone! Granted, tomorrow would have made for a catchier opening, but I wasn’t thinking this far ahead when I picked the day to release these. Still, I bet you can’t wait for Monads now! Putting all that aside, does everyone remember how great the insideOut function from the Applicative post was? Well, today’s post is all about your new favourite typeclass.

This little class comes with, hands down, the most frightening signature we’ve seen so far! Just look at this thing:

traverse :: Applicative f, Traversable t
         => t a -> (TypeRep f, a -> f b)
         -> f (t b)

Right? Let’s break it down. We can take a Traversable structure (whatever that means) with an inner a type, use this a -> f b function (where f is some Applicative), and we’ll land on f (t b). Wait, what?

The little bit of magic here is that, if we used the a -> f b with map, we’d end up with t (f b), right? The f b replaces the a in the t a; nothing we haven’t seen before. However, with traverse, the f and t come out the other way round!

In a shocking development, let’s see some examples before we trouble ourselves with the laws, as they’re a bit intimidating. Let’s say you have an Array of Int user IDs, and we need to do some AJAX for each one to get some details:

// getById :: Int -> Task e User
const getById = id => // Do some AJAX

Luckily, we have our wonderful Task applicative to encapsulate the AJAX requests. We map over our Array with getById, and we end up with an Array of Task objects. Neat! However, whatever we’re doing with them, we probably want to do it on the entire Array, so wouldn’t it be better to combine them into a single Task e [User]? Well, our luck just continues, because we have our nifty little insideOut:

// insideOut :: Applicative f
//           => [f a] -> f [a]
const insideOut = (T, xs) => xs.reduce(
  (acc, x) => lift2(append, x, acc),

// paralleliseTaskArray
//   :: [Int] -> Task e [User]
const paralleliseTaskArray = users =>

First we map, then we insideOut. Thanks to Task’s Applicative instance, we’ve successfully reached our goal! On top of that, the wonder of Apply means all our AJAX will happen in parallel, with no extra effort!

Well, it turns out that there’s a name for insideOut that encompasses more outer types than just Array, and we call it sequence! What’s more, a map immediately followed by sequence has a more common name: traverse!

Array.prototype.traverse =
  function (T, f) {
    return this.reduce(
      //    Here's the map bit! vvvv
      (acc, x) => lift2(append, f(x), acc),

// Don't worry, though: `sequence` can also
// be written as a super-simple `traverse`!
const sequence = (T, xs) =>
  xs.traverse(T, x => x)

So, whenever we see map followed by sequence, we can just use traverse. Whenever all we want to do is flip the types, we can use sequence.

I usually define sequence and traverse on my Traversable types because they both get plenty of use.

Thinking about inner types, why stop with Task? What if we use another Applicative instead? Let’s play with Either:

// toChar :: Int -> Either String Char
const toChar = n => n < 0 || n > 25
  ? Left(n + ' is out of bounds!')
  : Right(String.fromCharCode(n + 65))

// Right(['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'])
;[0,  1,  2,  3].traverse(Either, toChar)

// Left('-2 is out of bounds!')
;[0, 15, 21, -2].traverse(Either, toChar)

By using traverse with an inner type of Either, we get back the first Left if any of the values map to a Left! In other words, we get back the first error. Consider, for a minute, how incredibly useful this is for form validation.

What if we just want the successes, and to filter out the rest? We map our function, then map(map(x => [x])) to get all the Right values into a singleton list, then fold the list with the Either semigroup starting with Right([]). I swear, I can’t get through a single post without mentioning some sort of fold!

In fact, why stop with Array? We can define Traversable instances for all sorts of things: Maybe, Either, Pair, and even our Tree from last time! What’s the secret, though?

A Traversable type needs to know how to rebuild itself. It pulls itself apart, lifts each part into the Applicative, and then puts itself back together. With the wonderful help of of and ap, it’s not hard to get all the pieces into the Applicative, so the only trickery is the work on either side. Luckily, this is often very straightforward:

// Transform _2, then `map` in the _1!
Pair.prototype.traverse = function (_, f) {
  return f(this._2).map(
    x => Pair(this._1, x))

// Keep the nothing OR map in the Just!
Maybe.prototype.traverse = function (T, f) {
  return this.cata({
    Just: x => f(x).map(Maybe.Just),
    Nothing: () => T.of(Maybe.Nothing)

// Lift all the bits, then rebuild!
Tree.prototype.traverse = function (T, f) {
  return this.cata({
    Node: (l, n, r) => lift3(
      l => n => r =>
        Tree.Node(l, n, r),

      l.traverse(T, f),
      r.traverse(T, f))
    Leaf: () => T.of(Tree.Leaf)

If you’ve been following the Reader/Writer/State series, we’ll actually be taking a look at the Pair traversable in the finale!

If you can map and reduce your type (i.e. it’s a Functor and a Foldable), there’s a really good chance that it can be a Traversable, too. Trust me: Task’s Applicative instance is enough reason to get excited about this!

Task is also a good example of a type that isn’t Traversable, despite it having a similar structure to Either. What’s the difference? Well, consider a Task that returns a Maybe to denote success. If we could traverse Task, we’d get back Just a successful task, or Nothing. See why this is impossible? We don’t know whether the Task succeeds until we run it!

Before you get too excited and go all super-villian on me with your new-found superpowers, let’s end on the laws. Brace yourselves. We’ll start with identity, as it’s definitely the simplest:

u.traverse(F, F.of) === F.of(u)

If we take a Traversable structure of type T a, and traverse it with F.of (which is a -> F a for some Applicative F), we’ll get back F (T a). Map and turn inside-out. What this law says is that we’d have ended up in the same place if we’d just called F.of on the whole T a structure. Squint a little, and ignore the TypeRep: U.traverse(F.of) === F.of(U) doesn’t look a million miles from === id(U) (the identity law for Functor), does it?

Next up is naturality, which is a bit of a mess in the spec, so let’s try to clean it up. Let’s imagine we have two Applicative types, F and G, and some function t :: F a -> G a, that does nothing but change the Applicative.

A function that transforms one Functor into another without touching the inner value is called a natural transformation!

t(u.sequence(F)) === u.traverse(G, t)

So, we start with some U (F a)-type thing, sequence it, and land on F (U a). We then call t on the result, and finally land on G (u a). Naturality says that we could just call t directly in a traverse and end up in the same place! I read this as saying, “A traverse should behave the same way regardless of the inner Applicative”; it doesn’t matter whether we do the transformation during or after.

This law is actually implied by parametricity, which is a topic we might cover in the future. Basically, it means that the type signature of traverse is restricted enough that this can’t not be true for any Traversable that follows the other two laws!

Last up is composition, and we’re going to need to introduce a type we haven’t seen before. Compose is a way of combining two Functors into one (and even two Applicatives into one!), and it goes a little something like this:

// Type Compose f g a = Compose (f (g a))
const Compose = (F, G) => {
  const Compose_ = daggy.tagged('Compose', ['stack'])

  // compose(F.of, G.of)
  Compose_.of = x =>

  // Basically map(map(f)) = function (f) {
    return Compose_(
        x =>

  // Basically lift2(ap, this, fs)
  Compose_.ap = function (fs) {
    return Compose_(
          .map(x => f => x.ap(f))

  return Compose_

We’re not going to spend too much time on this type, so have a couple of looks to make sure you’re following. The key point here is that we’ve stacked two Applicatives to form a composite Applicative - how amazing is that? Even more excitingly, this rule generalises to any number of nested Applicatives - they compose completely mechanically!

Compose will also be an important part of the upcoming State post, so don’t think we’ve seen the last of it!

Anyway, let’s get back to the point of introducing this type here. We’ll use F and G as our Applicative placeholders again, and end up with the law below. The spec only uses traverse, but this should make things a bit clearer:

const Comp = Compose(F, G)

// The type signature helps, I think:
// t (F (G a)) -> Compose F G (t a) ===
        .map(x => x.sequence(G)))

This one’s the ugliest of the bunch! We start with some u of type t (F (G a)), where t is Traversable. On the left-hand side, we map over this with Comp and land on t (Compose F G a). Because Compose F G is an Applicative, we can turn this inside out and land on Compose F G (t a). Whew!

The right-hand side says we can sequence the t (F (G a)) to get us to F (t (G a)), then map a sequence over it to get us to F (G (t a)). If we pass this into Comp, we land on Compose F G (t a), and we must land on the same result as the left-hand side did!

This is a really dense law, but just remember this: we can either Compose the Applicatives inside the Traversable and then sequence, or sequence and then Compose. It shouldn’t matter. I read this as a kind of re-inforcement of naturality; not only should the Traversable leave the Applicative alone, but it should respect Applicative composition.

Traversable has some thorough laws, but this is a good thing! The tighter the restrictions, the better we can optimise the instances we write: we’ve already had a taste of the power behind the Traversable / Applicative relationship! However, there’s a problem that we still haven’t addressed:

We know we can do parallel computation with our Applicative, but how do we do serial computation? How do we compose functions that return Functors? These questions, and others, will be solved next week when we cover chain.

Until then, traverse all the things! A Gist of this post’s motivating examples is available. Array will, by far, be the one you use the most, but don’t be afraid to experiment. I look forward to your creations!
