Fantas, Eel, and Specification 13: Chain

You told me to leave you alone. My Papa said, ā€œCome on homeā€. My doctor said, ā€œTake it easyā€, but your lovinā€™ is much too strong. Iā€™m added to yourā€¦ Chain, Chain, Chain! Maybe we didnā€™t compose that one, but weā€™re going to compose plenty of things today!

Letā€™s take a moment to recap a few previous posts. When we covered Functor, we saw that functors created contexts in which our ā€œlanguageā€ could be extended:

a :: a -> [b]        -- Multiple results
m :: a -> Maybe b    -- Possible failure
e :: a -> Either e b -- Possible exception
t :: a -> Task e b   -- Async action

Weā€™ve also seen that Applicative functorsā€™ contexts can be combined to give us cool tricks like parallel Task actions and Traversable:

// Just([-1, -2, -3])
;[1, 2, 3].traverse(Maybe, x => Just(-x))

// Logs 50 (after only 2000ms!)
  x => y => x + y,

  new Task((_, res) =>
      () => res(20),

  new Task((_, res) =>
      () => res(30),
  _ => console.error('???'),
  x => console.log(x))

Thereā€™s one thing we canā€™t do, though. What if we want to compose two Functor-returning functions? Take a look at this example:

//+ prop :: String -> StrMap a -> Maybe a
const prop = k => xs =>
  k in xs ? Just(xs[k])
          : Nothing

const data = { a: { b: { c: 2 } } }
const map = f => xs =>

// How do we get to the 2?
prop('a')(data) // Just({ b: { c: 2 } })
.map(prop('b')) // Just(Just({ c: 2 }))
.map(map(prop('c'))) // Just(Just(Just(2)))

// And if we fail?
prop('a')(data) // Just({ b: { c: 2 }})
.map(prop('badger')) // Just(Nothing)
.map(map(prop('c'))) // Just(Nothing)

So, we can get to the 2, but not without a lot of mess. We map more and more each time, when all we really want is a Just 2 if it works and a Nothing if it doesnā€™t. What weā€™re missing is a way to flatten layers of Maybe. Enter join:

//+ join :: Maybe (Maybe a) ~> Maybe a
Maybe.prototype.join = function () {
  return this.cata({
    Just: x => x,
    Nothing: () => Nothing

prop('a')(data) // Just({ b: { c: 2 } })
.map(prop('b')).join() // Just({ c: 2 })
.map(prop('c')).join() // Just(2)

prop('a')(data) // Just({ b: { c: 2 } })
.map(prop('badger')).join() // Nothing
.map(prop('c')).join() // Nothing

We seem to have solved our problem! Each time we map with a Maybe-returning function, we call join to flatten the two Maybe layers into one. map, join, map, join, and so on. Back in the Traversable post, we saw that the map/sequence pattern was common enough that we gave it an alias: traverse. Wouldnā€™t you know it, the same applies here: the map/join pattern is so common, we call it chain.

//+ chain :: Maybe a ~> (a -> Maybe b)
//+                  -> Maybe b
Maybe.prototype.chain = function (f) {
  return this.cata({
    Just: f,
    Nothing: () => this // Do nothing

// Just like `sequence` is `traverse` with
// `id`,  `join` is `chain` with `id`!
//+ join :: Chain m => m (m a) ~> m a
const join = xs => xs.chain(x => x)

// Our example one more time...
prop('a')(data) // Just({ b: { c: 2 } })
.chain(prop('b')) // Just({ c: 2 })
.chain(prop('c')) // Just(2)

So many parallels! Now, this fancy little pattern is useful far beyond an occasional Maybe. It turns out that we can unlock a lot of behaviour this way:

//+ chain :: Either e a
//+       ~> (a -> Either e b)
//+       -> Either e b
Either.prototype.chain = function (f) {
  return this.cata({
    Right: f,
    Left: _ => this // Do nothing

const sqrt = x => x < 0
  ? Left('Hey, no!')
  : Right(Math.sqrt(x))

.chain(sqrt) // Right(4)
.chain(sqrt) // Right(2)

.chain(sqrt)  // Right(9)
.map(x => -x) // Right(-9) šŸ˜®
.chain(sqrt)  // Left('Hey, no!')
.map(x => -x) // Left('Hey, no!')

.chain(sqrt) // Left('eep')

Just as Maybeā€™s chain would carry forward a Nothing, Eitherā€™s will carry forward the first Left. We can then chain a bunch of Either-returning functions and get the first Left if anything goes wrong - just like throwing exceptions! With Either, we can model exceptions in a completely pure way. Pure. Savour this moment. We fixed exceptions.

This oneā€™s exciting, right? Letā€™s see what Array can do:

//+ chain :: Array a
//+       ~> (a -> Array b)
//+       -> Array b
Array.prototype.chain = function (f) {
  // Map, then concat the results.
  return [].concat(...

// NB: **totally** made up.
const flights = {
  ATL: ['LAX', 'DFW'],
  ORD: ['DEN'],
  LAX: ['JFK', 'ATL'],
  DEN: ['ATL', 'ORD', 'DFW'],
  JFK: ['LAX', 'DEN']

//- Where can I go from airport X?
//+ whereNext :: String -> [String]
const whereNext = x => flights[x] || []




With Array, we map with some Array-returning function, then flatten all the results into one list. map and join, just like everything else! Here, weā€™re essentially traversing a graph, and building up a list of possible positions after each step. In fact, languages like PureScript use chain to model loops*:

//- An ugly implementation for range.
//+ range :: (Int, Int) -> [Int]
const range = (from, to) =>
  [... Array(to - from)]
  .map((_, i) => i + from)

//- The example from that link in JS.
//+ factors :: Int -> [Pair Int Int]
const factors = n =>
  range(1, n).chain(a =>
    range(1, a).chain(b =>
      a * b !== n
      ? []
      : [ Pair(a, b) ]))

// (4, 5), (2, 10)

Now, letā€™s talk about our Task typeā€ . Weā€™ve seen that, with its Apply implementation, we get parallelism for free. However, we havenā€™t actually talked about how to get serial behaviour. For example, what if we wanted to do some AJAX to get a user, and then use the result to get their friends? Well, chain would appear to be exactly what we need:

//+ getUser :: String -> Task e Int
const getUser = email => new Task(
  (rej, res) => API.getUser(email)
                .map(x =>

//+ getFriendsOf :: Int -> Task e [User]
const getFriends = id => new Task(
  (rej, res) => API.getFriends(id)

// Task e [User] - hooray?

It turns out this behaviour is defined on our Task type, so we can chain together Task objects to get sequencing when we need it, and ap them together for free parallelism. Before we get too excited, though, letā€™s talk about whatā€™s wrong here.

If a type lawfully implements Chain (and hence Apply and Functor), we can derive ap using chain and map:

//+ ap :: Chain m => m a ~> m (a -> b) -> m b
MyType.prototype.ap = function (fs) {
  return fs.chain(f =>

So what? Well, this ap doesnā€™t behave like the ap we already have. Most importantly, thereā€™s no parallelism! Houston, we have a problem. In the case of Task, either the ap or chain method is therefore unlawful.

There have been similar discussions that are worth reading for more background, but this point is quite an advanced discussion, so brace yourself.

This means that, to write law-obiding code, we need to accept that either our ap method is wrong, or our chain method shouldnā€™t exist. Personally, Iā€™ve always chosen to view chain as the ā€œproblem methodā€, and asserted that Task is an Applicative but not a Chain. What we should do is convert our Task to some ā€œsequentialā€ type when we want to do something sequential:

// A "sequential" async type.
const Promise = require('fantasy-promises')

// For "errors" within Promise.
const { Left, Right }
  = require('fantasy-eithers')

//- Convert a Task to a Promise
//+ taskToPromise :: Task e a
//+               -> Promise (Either e a)
const taskToPromise = task => Promise(
  res => task.fork(e => res(Left(e)),
                   x => res(Right(x))))

//+ promiseToTask :: Promise (Either e a)
//+               -> Task e a
const promiseToTask = promise =>
  new Task((rej, res) =>
    promise.fork(either =>
        Left: rej,
        Right: res

//- Finally...
//+ andThen :: Task e a ~> (a -> Task e b)
//+                     -> Task e b
Task.prototype.andThen = function (f) {
  return promiseToTask(
    .chain(either => either.cata({
      // We "lift" failure using Promise'
      // Applicative instance.
      Left: _ => Promise.of(either),

      Right: x => taskToPromise(f(x))

//- ... which gives us:

Big and scary, but donā€™t panic. Here, weā€™re taking advantage of the natural transformation between Task and the composition of Promise and Either e in both directions: we move to a sequential context, do something sequential, then move back to the parallel context.

With promiseToTask and taskToPromise, we can convert any Promise into a Task and vice versa. This is exactly what we need in order to say that Promise and Task are isomorphic!

Isomorphisms come up a lot to avoid these problems: if we can ā€œconvertā€ a type into another type with a required capability, and then convert it back, itā€™s as good as having that capability in our original type! The difference is, however, that weā€™re not breaking the laws.

Of course, you could just as easily go ahead and use chain, and accept that it is badly-behaved. Thatā€™s cool, as long as youā€™re aware of this, and know to expect some unexpected results. You could also write a simple implementation of andThen:

//+ No intermediate type!
Task.prototype.andThen = function (f) {
  return new Task((rej, res) =>
    this.fork(rej, x =>
      f(x).fork(rej, res))

Itā€™s really down to you, but the lengthier method means that we neatly separate our parallel and sequential types, and can know what behaviour is expected in each. Taskā€™s author wrote a blog post on async control, which may shed more light here.

Weā€™ve seen what chain does: map then join. This is why youā€™ll hear it called flatMap sometimes: it maps and then ā€œflattensā€ two layers of Chain type into one. You might also hear concatMap (named after Arrayā€™s particular implementation) or bind.

Weā€™ve also seen that we can define ap in terms of chain in a way that will work for any law-obiding type. If you donā€™t believe me, try it with Maybe, Either, or Array! This, however, isnā€™t the only rule that we have to follow. Thereā€™s one, very familiar, law that comes with this class:

// Associativity.
  === m.chain(x => f(x).chain(g))

// Remember Semigroups?
  === a.concat(b.concat(c))

Just as Semigroup was associative at value-level, and Apply was associative at context-level, we can see that Chain seems to be associative at an order-level: unlike Apply, which we saw would freely allow for parallelism, Chain implies order. Just look at the type of chain:

chain :: Chain m => m a
                 ~> (a -> m b)
                 -> m b

Our chain function is useless until we know what the a in m a is. How can we chain a function on a Promise until the first part has completed? How can we chain a function on a Maybe until we know whether the first part failed? With chain, we finally have a way to encode order into our programs, and strictly forbid parallelism when we need to.

I think itā€™s amazing that we managed to achieve all that we have so far without this concept! Weā€™re so used to order being determined by the ordering of the lines in our file, but thatā€™s because of state: we canā€™t mix those lines up because they may depend on one another.

With purely-functional code, we know that canā€™t be true, and that all dependencies are explicit. Who cares which side of an ap gets calculated first? Who cares whether a map happens now or later? Until we fork or extract a value from a Functor, itā€™s just not important - itā€™s an implementation detail!

A note to end on: for Semigroup, we had Monoid, which brought the empty value. For Apply, we had Applicative, which brought the pure context. Seems logical that Chain would have a similar partner, right? Weā€™ll get to it in a fortnight.

Until then, mess around with this postā€™s Gist, and chain all the things! With parallel and sequential power, you actually now have everything you need to write any app in an entirely pure manner. Check out the fantasy-io library to see how we can encode any IO in a Chain type and completely remove the need for state. Go on: I dare you!


* do notation really just connects each line with a chain call (or bind, as itā€™s known in Haskell/PureScript). Hereā€™s more information on do, but I wouldnā€™t worry too much at this stage.

ā€  Hat-tip to @safareli, who reminded me to include this bit!