Fantas, Eel, and Specification 14: ChainRec

Happy Tuesday, Fantasists! Sorry for the wait; Iā€™ve been chasing around an issue to change this entry! No movement on that yet, so letā€™s soldier on! Weā€™ve seen that chain allows us to sequence our actions, which means we can now do pretty much anything we want! As fellow JavaScripters, this is of course the time we get cynical; it canā€™t be that simple, right? Absolutely not, and letā€™s take a look at a convoluted example to show us why!

Have a gander at this little number, which emulates the behaviour of the UNIX seq command, with the help of our old friend Pair:

// Click the above link for a full
// explanation of this type!
const Writer = Pair(Array)

//+ seq :: Int -> Writer [Int] Int
const seq = upper => {

  //+ seq_ :: Int -> Writer [Int] Int
  const seq_ = init =>
    init >= upper

    // If we're done, stop here!
    ? Writer([init], upper)

    // If we're not...
    : Writer([init], init + 1)
      .chain(seq_) // ...chain(seq_)!

  // Kick everything off
  return seq_(1)

seq(5)._1 // [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

Everything looks fine so far: seq_ is just a recursive function. Until init exceeds upper, we log the current value and call seq_ on the next integer. Pick any number and see that it works: 10, 100, 1000, ā€¦ oh.

> seq(10000)._1
RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded

Now, weā€™re supposedly using computers. They take people to the moon, control nuclear reactors, and get us pictures of cats; surely itā€™s not too big an ask to count to 10000 without exploding?

Our problem here is that, every time we chain(seq_), we store the calling functionā€™s local state on the stack until the called function returns; as you can imagine, itā€™s actually pretty expensive to save ten thousand of these states. When we fill up the stack and try to carry on, we cause a stack overflow error. If only there were some website to help usā€¦

Typically, in our non-functional JavaScript, we get round this problem with a loop. Itā€™s no secret that we could write seq as:

const seq = upper => {
  const acc = []

  for (let i = 1; i <= upper; i++)

  return acc

seq(10000) // Bam, no trouble

See? No stack overflow; we use acc to store our state at each point explicitly, without recursion, and everything just worksā€¦ so, have we been defeated? Do we really have to choose between prettiness - purity, composition, etc. - and performance?

Never! Weā€™re functional programmers; we solve these problems with abstraction, and ChainRec turns out to be exactly what we need. Weā€™re going to start off with a slightly different definition of this specā€™s function, and work towards the real one. First of all, weā€™ll introduce a new type, Step:

// type Step b a = Done b | Loop a
const { Loop, Done } = daggy.taggedSum({
  Done: ['b'], Loop: ['a']

Weā€™re using these two constructors to mimic the two possible states of our imperative solution: are we Done, or do we still need to Loop?

We could make this a Functor over a, but we donā€™t need to; still, itā€™s an exercise if youā€™re looking!

With that in mind, letā€™s define chainRec. Remember here that all ChainRec types are also Chain types:

chainRec :: ChainRec m
         => (a -> m (Step b a), a)
         -> m b

Well, well, well. We start off with a function of type a -> m (Step b a), and a value of type a. We end up with m b. I reckon the first step is probably to call that function, and end up with m (Step b a). When weā€™ve done that, weā€™ll be in one of two situations:

  • That Step b a will be a Done b, and we can pull out the b (by mapping over the m) and return the answer!

  • That Step b a will be a Loop a, and we still donā€™t have a b to make the answer. What do we do then? We loop again!

We chain our starter function to our m a, and repeat this whole process until we finally get a Done value, and we can finish up!

This might be a little heavy, so letā€™s implement chainRec for our Writer type to clear it up:

// We need a TypeRep for the left bit!
const Pair = T => {
  const Pair_ = daggy.tagged('_1', '_2')

  // ...

  //+ chainRec
  //+   :: Monoid m
  //+   => (a -> Pair m (Step b a), a)
  //+   -> (m, b)
  Pair_.chainRec = function (f, init) {
    // Start off "empty"
    let acc = T.empty()

    // We have to loop at least once
      , step = Loop(init)

    do {
      // Call `f` on `Loop`'s value
      const result = f(step.a)

      // Update the accumulator,
      // as well as the current value
      acc  = acc.concat(result._1)
      step = result._2
    } while (step instanceof Loop)

    // Pull out the `Done` value.
    return Pair_(acc, step.b)

We store our acc, starting with the ā€œemptyā€ value for that Monoid, and update it with every loop. This continues until we hit a Done, when we make a pair with the final acc and the value inside the Done!

It might take a couple read-throughs, but see whatā€™s happened: instead of doing recursion, weā€™ve used Step to let a function tell us when it wants to recurse. With that extra bit of abstraction, we can hide a while loop under the hood, and no one will be any the wiser!

So, with all this talk of accumulated results, letā€™s get back to that seq example, and see what we can do:

//+ seqRec :: Int -> ([Int], Int)
const seqRec = upper => Writer.chainRec(
  init => Writer([init],
    init >= upper ? Done(init)
                  : Loop(init + 1)),

Look at the body: thereā€™s no recursion! Weā€™ve abstracted all the recursion into chainRec, which can do its sneaky optimisation. All we say in our chainRec-using function is whether weā€™re Done or still need to Loop - isnā€™t that clearer? Whatā€™s more, itā€™s now totally stack-safe!

> seqRec(100000)._1
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ...]

Just a tiny little extra abstraction and we scoff at numbers like 10000. Why stop the momentum? Next stop: cat pictures on the moon.

Now, we havenā€™t quite matched the spec, but youā€™ll see why. The actual spec gives us no Step type, which means we end up with the following:

chainRec :: ChainRec m
         => ((a -> c, b -> c, a) -> m c, a)
         -> m b

Now, I have a few problems with this definition, most of which are outlined in the aforementioned GitHub issue, so we wonā€™t go into them too much. What weā€™ll do instead is define a function to turn our Step-based functions into spec-compliant functions. Itā€™s a little number I like to call trainwreck:

//+ trainwreck
//+  :: Functor m
//+  => (a -> m (Step b a))
//+  -> ((a -> c, b -> c, a) -> m c)
const trainwreck = f =>
  (next, done, init) => f(init).map(
    step => step.cata({
      Loop: next, Done: done

// Or, with ES6 and polymorphic names...
const trainwreck = f => (Loop, Done, x) =>
  f(x).map(s => s.cata({ Loop, Done }))

With this cheeky thing, we can get the best of both worlds; we just wrap our definition of Pair_.prototype.chainRec in the trainwreck function and itā€™s good to go! Whether you choose to implement chainRec on your types with the trainwreck-Step approach or with the specā€™s approach is up to you, but I think itā€™s pretty clear that I have a favourite!

Interestingly, the specā€™s (more formal) encoding is based on the Boehm-Berarducci encoding of the Step type; hat-tip to Brian McKenna for this one, as Iā€™d never heard of this!

Last and certainly not least: the laws. Wait, you didnā€™t think Iā€™d forgotten, did you? Ha! Weā€™ll define these with Step to make them a bit more expressive, but the original definitions are of course available on the spec.

// For some ChainRec m, predicate p,
// and some M-returning d and n...
    v => p(v) ? d(v).map(Done)
              : n(v).map(Next)),

// Must behave the same as...

(function step(v) {
  return p(v) ? d(v)
              : n(v).chain(step)

By now, weā€™ve seen the actual difference: the second one will explode before we get anywhere close to the moon. However, in theory (assuming we had an infinite stack), these two expressions would always end up at the same point. Again, weā€™re just asserting that Done and Next provide an abstraction for our recursion.

The other law, which is one of my favourites, is that chainRec(f) must produce a stack no larger than n times fā€™s stack usage, for some constant n. In other words, whether Iā€™m looping once or a million times, the stack must not keep growing. With this wordy little law, we ensure stack safety.

The ChainRec spec is best-suited towards ideas like Free structures and asynchronous looping: when we could end up with a very complicated structure, chainRec makes sure we donā€™t hit an unexpected ceiling.

In your day-to-day coding, itā€™s probably not something youā€™ll see an awful lot. In fact, it usually tends to be hidden in implementation detail, rather than being exposed to the user. Stick to the simple, golden rule: when Chain blows your stack, ChainRec is there to solve the problem. Every Chain type can implement ChainRec, so this will always be an available option!

Whether we use it regularly or not, we now have a practical, stack-safe, and functional answer to the danger of chaining huge computations. We can sequence instructions safely, build up large computations, and then let ā€˜em rip.

Next time, weā€™ll look at the last piece of the puzzle, and charge through some examples. Brace yourself for the terrifying, incomprehensible, and downright impolite Monad! Trust me: itā€™s actually none of those things. In fact, itā€™s nothing new at all - rest easy, Fantasists!


As usual, feel free to play with the postā€™s code gist to experiment further!