Fantas, Eel, and Specification 17: Comonad

‘Ello ‘ello! Remember that Monad thing we used to be afraid of, and how it just boiled down to a way for us to sequence our ideas? How Extend was really just Chain backwards? Well, today, we’ll answer the question that I’m sure has plagued you all week: what is a backwards Monad?

First up, we should talk about the name. No, not the monad bit - the co bit. When we talk about structures like Monad, we sometimes talk about the idea of the dual structure. Now, for our purposes, we can just think of this as, “The same, but with all the arrows backwards”.

This is a surprisingly good intuition for dual structures. Seriously.

Hey, that was our first hint! Comonad is Monad with “the arrows backwards”. When we boil it down, there are really only two interesting things that a Monad can do:

-- For any monad `m`:
of :: a -> m a
chain :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b

From this, we can derive all the other fun stuff like join, map, ap, and whatnot. So, let’s write this all backwards, turning our entire types the wrong way round:

-- Turn the arrows around...
coOf :: a <- m a
coChain :: m a <- (a <- m b) <- m b

-- Or, more familiarly...
-- For any Comonad `w`:
coOf :: w a -> a
coChain :: w a -> (w a -> b) -> w b

Well, here’s the good news: we already know coChain, and we call it extend! That leaves us with that coOf function, which the glorious Fantasy Land spec calls extract.

When I first looked at extract, I got a bit confused. Couldn’t we do that with Monad? If not, what’s the point in a Monad if we can’t get a value back out? What helped me was looking a little closer at extract:

extract :: w a -> a

That function takes any Comonad and returns the value inside. We couldn’t do that for Maybe, because some of our values - Nothing - don’t have a value to return! We couldn’t do it for Array; what if it’s empty? We couldn’t do it for Promise; we don’t know what the value is yet! It turns out that, for a lot of Monad types, this function isn’t as easy to write as we might think at first glance.

Let’s think about Maybe for a second, though. Would it be a Comonad if we removed the Nothing option? Well, yes, but then it wouldn’t be a Maybe - it would be Identity with a funny name!

What about Array? What if we made a type like this:

//- An array with AT LEAST ONE element.
//+ data NonEmpty = NonEmpty a (Array a)
const NonEmpty = daggy.tagged(
  'NonEmpty', ['head', 'tail']

// Extend would function the same way as it
// did for Array in the last article...

NonEmpty.prototype.extract = function () {
  return this.head

// e.g.
NonEmpty(1, [2, 3, 4]).extract() // 1

Now we have a type for non-empty lists, we can guarantee a value to extract! This type, it transpires, forms a beautiful Comonad.

A piece of good advice is to make illegal states unrepresentable. If we need an array somewhere in our code that must have at least one element, using the NonEmpty type gives us an API with that guarantee!

So, chain gave us sequencing with write access to the output, and of let us lift a value into the computation whenever we liked. extend gives us sequencing with read access to the input, and extract lets us extract a value out of the computation whenever we like!

If you’ve followed the blog series up until now, the Comonad laws are going to be what you’ve come to expect. No new ideas!

Now, before we start to assume that all Comonad types are just bastardised Monad types, let’s look at something very comonadic: Store.

//+ data Store p s = Store (p -> s) p
const Store = daggy.tagged(
  'Store', ['lookup', 'pointer']

The intuition here is that lookup represents a function to get things out of a “store” of s-values, indexed by p-values. So, if we pass a p to the lookup function, we’ll get out its corresponding s. The pointer value represents the “current” value. Think of this like the read head on an old hard disk.

Now, to make this type more useful, we can stick a couple of functions onto this:

//- "Move" the current pointer.
//+ seek :: Store p s ~> p -> Store p s = function (p) {
  return Store(this.lookup, p)

//- Have a look at a particular cell.
//+ peek :: Store p s ~> p -> s
Store.prototype.peek = function (p) {
  return this.lookup(p)

And, wouldn’t you know it, we can also make this a functor by mapping over the function!

//- Compose the functions! Yay! = function (f) {
  const { lookup, pointer } = this

  return Store(, pointer)
  // Store(p => f(lookup(p)), pointer)

Now, if we’re going to make a Comonad of our Store, we first need to make it an Extend instance. Remember: extend should behave like map, but with read-access to the input. Here’s where Store gets really sneaky.

//+ extend :: Store p s ~> (Store p s -> t)
//+                     -> Store p t
Store.prototype.extend = function (f) {
  return Store(
    p => f(Store(this.lookup, p)),

Our lookup function now applies f to a Store identical to the original, but with the focus on the given index! Can you see the magic yet? Let’s build something exciting: Conway’s Game of Life.

For this, we’re going to use a “board” of [[Bool]] type to represent our “live” and “dead” cells. Something like this, perhaps:

let start = [
  [ true,  true,  false, false ],
  [ true,  false, true,  false ],
  [ true,  false, false, true  ],
  [ true,  false, true,  false ]

If we want to look up a value in this store, we’re going to need an x and y coordinate. What better choice of structure to hold two numbers than a Pair?

const Game = Store(
  ({ _1: x, _2: y }) =>
    // Return the cell OR false.
    y in start && x in start[y]
      ? start[y][x]
      : false,

  // We don't care about `pointer` yet.
  Pair(0, 0))

Now, we need to write out some logic! The rule for the Game of Life is that, if a false cell has exactly three true neighbours, make it true. If a true cell has two or three true neighbours, keep it as true. If neither apply, make it false. We can work this out for any cell with eight sneaky peeks!

// What will the current cell be next time?
//+ isSurvivor :: Store (Pair Int Int) Bool
//+            -> Bool
const isSurvivor = store => {
  const { _1: x, _2: y } = store.pointer

  // The number of `true` neighbours.
  const neighbours =
    [ Pair(x - 1, y - 1) // NW
    , Pair(x, y - 1)     // N
    , Pair(x + 1, y - 1) // NE

    , Pair(x - 1, y)     // W
    , Pair(x + 1, y)     // E

    , Pair(x - 1, y + 1) // SW
    , Pair(x, y + 1)     // S
    , Pair(x + 1, y + 1) // SE
    .map(x => store.peek(x)) // Look up!
    .filter(x => x) // Ignore false cells

  // Exercise: simplify this.
  return store.extract() // Is it true?
    ? neighbours === 2 || neighbours === 3
    : neighbours === 2

Now, why did we go to all this trouble? Well, we now have a Store (Int, Int) Bool to Bool function, which is the exact shape that extend needs
 and extend will (lazily!) apply this function to every cell on the board! By using extend, we now get to see the entire board one step into the future. Isn’t that magical?

I strongly recommend you look at the Gist for this article and be sure that this makes sense. Store is an unfamiliar beast.

Now, there are plenty of other Comonad types, but they’re not quite as popular as Monad types, probably because their use isn’t so obvious. After all, we can write our applications just using Monad types, so this (unfairly) ends up in the advanced box. How rude!

For now, however, we’ll stop here. I will come back to Comonad in other posts - they’re my latest obsession - but Store gives a really clear idea about why these are useful. Incidentally, if you want to play the Game of Life, the article’s Gist has a working demo!

Next time, we’ll be looking at Bifunctor and Profunctor: so simple, we’re going to do both at the same time! I promise: these last two are going to be a bit of a cool-down session. Until then!
