The worst is behind us. We’ve mastered the Monad
, conquered the Comonad
, and surmounted the Semigroup
. Consider these last two posts to be a cool-down, because the end is in sight. Today, to enjoy our first week of rest, we’re going to revise functors.
A number of times, we’ve seen types with two inner types: Either
, Pair
, Task
, Function
, and so on. However, in all cases, we’ve only been able to map
over the right-hand side. Well, Fantasists, the reason has something to do with a concept called kinds that we won’t go into. Instead, let’s look at solutions.
We’ll take a type like Either
or Pair
. These types have two inner types (left and right!) that we could map
over. The Bifunctor
class allows us to deal with both:
bimap :: Bifunctor f
=> f a c
~> (a -> b, c -> d)
-> f b d
It’s pretty much exactly like Functor
, except we are mapping two at a time! What does this look like in actual code?
Either.prototype.bimap =
function (f, g) {
return this.cata({
Left: f,
Right: g
Pair.prototype.bimap =
function (f, g) {
return Pair(f(this._1),
Task.prototype.bimap =
function (f, g) {
return Task((rej, res) =>
this.fork(e => rej(f(e)),
x => res(g(e))))
Hopefully, no huge surprises. We apply the left function to any mention of the left value, and the same for the right. Even the laws are just doubled-up versions of the Functor
// For some functor U:
// Identity => x) === U
// Composition === => g(f(x)))
// For some bifunctor C:
// Identity
C.bimap(x => x, x => x) === C
// Composition
C.bimap(f, g).bimap(h, i) ===
C.bimap(l => h(f(l)),
r => i(g(r)))
A lot of brackets, but look closely: the laws are the same, but we have two independent “channels” on the go!
Fun fact: if you have a
instance for some typeT
, you can automatically derive a fully-lawfulFunctor
instance forT a
withf => bimap(x => x, f)
. Hooray, Free upgrades!
So, is this useful? Yes! Let’s look at a neat little example using Either
for a second:
//- Where everything changes...
const login = user =>
isValid(user) ? Right(user)
: Left('Boo')
//- Function map === "piping".
//+ failureStream :: String
//+ -> HTML
const failureStream =
(x => x.toUpperCase())
.map(x => x + '!')
.map(x => '<em>' + x + '</em>')
//+ successStream :: User
//+ -> HTML
const successStream =
(x =>
.map(x => 'Hey, ' + x + '!')
.map(x => '<h1>' + x + '</h1>')
//- We can now pass in our two
//- possible application flows
//- using `bimap`!
Note that this would also work with Task
! We’re in a situation where we want to transform a potential success or failure, and bimap
lets us supply both at once. Cool, right? Straightforward, too!
Now, Function
is a slightly different story. Effectively, we can contramap
over its left-hand type (the input) and map
over its right-hand type (the output). It turns out there’s a fancy name for this sort of thing, too: Profunctor
promap :: Profunctor p
=> p b c
~> (a -> b, c -> d)
-> p a d
You can think of it as adding a before and after step to some process. Naturally, the laws look like a mooshmash of Contravariant
and Functor
// For some profunctor p:
// Identity...
P.promap(a => a, b => b) === P
// Composition...
p.promap(f, i).promap(g, h) ===
p.promap(a => f(g(a)),
b => h(i(b)))
Guess what? You can build a functor
P a
out of any profunctorP
:f => promap(x => x, f)
is all it takes. So many free upgrades!
The left-hand side looks like Contravariant
, and the right-hand side like Functor
. Of course, we’ve seen a Profunctor
already: Function
! However, to give a slightly more exciting example, let’s look at one of my favourites: Costar
//- Fancy wrapping around a specific type
//- of function: an "f a" to a "b"
//+ Costar f a b = f a -> b
const Costar = daggy.tagged('Costar', ['run'])
//- Contramap with the "before" function,
//- fold, then apply the "after" function.
//+ promap :: Functor f
//+ => Costar f b c
//+ -> (b -> a, c -> d)
//+ -> Costar f a d
Costar.prototype.promap = function (f, g) {
return Costar(x => g(
//- Takes a list of ints to the sum
//+ sum :: Costar Array Int Int
const sum = Costar(xs =>
xs.reduce((x, y) => x + y, 0))
//- Make every element 1, then sum them!
const length = sum.promap(_ => 1, x => x)
//- Is the result over 5?
const isOk = sum.promap(x => x, x => x > 5)
//- Why not both? Is the length over 5?
const longEnough = sum.promap(
_ => 1, x => x > 5)
// Returns false![1, 3, 5, 7])
allows us to take the idea of reduce
and wrap it in a Profunctor
. We can use promap
to prepare different inputs for the reduction and manipulate the result. You may have heard of this idea before: map/reduce. No matter how complex the process, there’s a good chance that you can express it in a Profunctor
These are, of course, very quick overviews of Bifunctor
and Profunctor
. That said, if you’re comfortable now with Functor
and you remember the post on Contravariant
, there’s nothing new to learn! We’re really just building on ideas we’ve already had. Bifunctor
might seem a little underwhelming now that we’ve seen the power of Monad
and Comonad
, but it’s twice as powerful as Functor
: we can define a flow for success and error, for left and right, for… well, any two things!
As for Profunctor
, it’s a pretty massive topic once you start digging. Costar
is the opposite of Star
, which is an a -> f b
function; why not think about how to implement that? Would you need any special conditions to make it a Profunctor
Take the article’s gist, and bimap
and promap
until the cows come home, Fantasists, for there is only one article left: Semigroupoid
and Category
. Expect high drama, hard maths, and herds of monoids. Well, maybe not the second thing…
Until then!