Hello again! Sorry for the wait; it has been a very busy few months, but we’re
back for the final part of the series: evaluation!
Once we have our program written, how do we use it? How do we give it input
and, from that, compute output? Today, we’re going to try perhaps a more
unusual approach: converting our Expression
to an actual Idris function.
To do that, we’re going to need some real dependently-typed magic.
The first thing we’re going to have to do is convert our ProgramType
into an
actual Idris Type
. This is a beautifully simple-looking function that is
almost unthinkable in most other languages:
ProgramTypeToType : ProgramType -> Type
ProgramTypeToType (PFunction x y)
= ProgramTypeToType x
-> ProgramTypeToType y
ProgramTypeToType PInt = Int
Give me a ProgramType
, and I’ll give you a Type
. Neat, right? Now we know
we can convert a type, we can convert our entire context to a vector of
its types:
: (context : Context)
-> Vect (length context) Type
ContextTypes []
= []
ContextTypes (x :: xs)
= ProgramTypeToType x
:: ContextTypes xs
Yet another function with that dependently-typed magic we’re slowly
starting to take for granted. Given a context, this produces a vector whose
length matches that context, and whose elements are Type
s. Let that sink in…
When we actually run the program, all the types in our context will also have
values… but how do we store a list of potentially different types?
Enter the HVect
data HVect : Vect k Type -> Type where
Nil : HVect []
(::) : t -> HVect ts -> HVect (t :: ts)
If this is a bit confusing, don’t dwell on it: the important thing is that
is indexed by a vector of the types of its inhabitants. This means
that a list like [3, 2.0, "hello"]
has type HVect [Integer, Double, String]
and all will be well. It’s super neat.
What this means is that we can store the values of our context in… (drum roll, please):
HVect (ContextTypes context)
This blew my poor little mind. We use ContextTypes
to figure out the type
of our context
, and then use HVect
to store values of those types. At this
point, we’re basically back to List
, and we can go about our business as
before. In fact, we can even reuse our Elem
: Elem programType context
-> HVect (ContextTypes context)
-> ProgramTypeToType programType
get Here (head :: _)
= head
get (There later) (_ :: tail)
= get later tail
By now, this should feel pretty familiar: if the value is Here
, we get the
head, and if the value is There
, we continue to walk the list. Because the
points to an element of context
, and our HVect
is the same length as
, we can be certain that this isn’t going to cause us runtime issues,
and there isn’t a Maybe
in sight. Magnifique.
Finally, we get to the big reveal. The thing to which we’ve been building since the beginning. This function evaluates our little DSL into an actual Idris value. We’ve turned data into program, and all the types are dependent on the shape of that data.
: {context : Context}
-> HVect (ContextTypes context)
-> Expression context programType
-> ProgramTypeToType programType
-- Reference => Idris value
eval context (Variable reference)
= get reference context
-- Abstraction => Idris function
eval context (Abstraction parameter body)
= \x => eval (x :: context) body
-- Application => Idris application
eval context (Application f x)
= eval context f (eval context x)
… It’s… underwhelming, right? We went to all this trouble, and we end up with a tiny evaluation function. Why? Well, because it really isn’t doing anything very special: we know our expression is valid, and we know the expected types of all its values when we convert to Idris, so we have total type safety. Nothing could go wrong because we’ve checked it all at compile time. In some cases, we literally proved it.
If you take away the type signature, this is pretty much as in-depth as eval
would be in any untyped language. When we see a variable, get it. When we
see a function, make a function. When we see an application, apply the value to
the function. In the end, all our hard work has paid off beautifully, and
everything starts to look a bit… JavaScripty.
Of course, we’re professional software engineers, so let’s write some tests!
: Expression context
(PFunction a a)
(PFunction a a))
Apply2 {a}
= Abstraction
(PFunction a a)
(Abstraction a
(Variable (There Here))
(Variable Here)))
Naturally, with explicit constructor names, everything looks a little bit ugly,
but we can think of Apply2
as \f x -> f x
, or, if you’re more comfortable
with the Lambda notation, λf.λx.fx
Now, if everything’s working, applying \x -> x + 1
and 5
to this should
yield 6
, correct? Well, let’s prove it:
: eval {context = []} []
(Apply2 {a = PInt})
(+ 1) 5
= 6
= Refl
There it is: another Refl
. If you don’t believe that this could work, clone
the GitHub repository and try changing the
result to 7
. Just as before, it’s a type error. Failed unit tests are a
type error. I can’t express how exciting I find this.
For a victory lap, let’s try a slightly more interesting test. Here, we’re
going to specify that this expression exists within a non-empty context of
two values, 3
and \x -> x + 1
. That being the case, we should be able to
reference those values that we’ve passed in as context, and produce a result of
. Are we feeling lucky?
Eg1 : eval
{context = [PInt, PFunction PInt PInt]}
[3, (+1)]
(Variable (There Here))
(Variable Here))
= 4
= Refl
We certainly should: everything just works. We have turned our data into a program, and then used it to produce typed input and output at runtime.
Idris is, inarguably, an amazing language. When you first start thinking
about problems in terms of map
, reduce
, and filter
, or when you finally
understand how Monad
works, these things change the way you code. I
highly - highly - recommend that you buy Edwin Brady’s book, Type-Driven
Development with
Idris, and
see what all the fuss is about. I can guarantee that you won’t be disappointed.
Take care ♥